QiC: Bigsby
Date: 02/20/2024
Title: Soccer Moms' Return
Number of HIMs: 10
Bigsby, Cornhole, Gold Bond, Manscape, Mr. 305, Oxy, Soccer Moms, Spread Eagle, Waterboy
Number of FNGs: 1
Name of FNGs: Sandra
SSH x 10
TTT x 10
Flamingos (R/L)
Arm Circles
Arm Stretches
Merkins x 10
Slow County Squats x 10
Tha Thang:
Circle of Death
8 stations spread out in a circle. Pax start from the center. Lunge with cindy to station to perform exercise. Upon completion, Pax bear crawl with cindy back to the center to perform 5 Blockies. Then move onto the next station in a clock-wise rotation. The stations consisted of 30 reps of reps of the following:
1. Big Boy Sit-Ups
2. We're Not Worthies
3. Goblet Squats
4. Single-Arm Rows
5. WW3 Sit-Ups
6. Merkins
7. Thrusters
8. Kettle Swings
After completion the group moved over to the playground and did the following:
1. 5 Private Ryans (bonnie blair + Jump Squat)
2. 5 Pull-ups
3. 10 Merkins
4. 10 Dips
Rinse and repeat for 8 minutes.
Welcome Sandra Lee (Dr. Pimple Popper).