QiC: Lamont
Date: 02/19/2024
Title: Oh man, what a drag!
Number of HIMs: 8
Clog, Falcon9, Huckleberry, Lamont, Reba, Short Circuit, TestTube, Tin Cup
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
A quick warmup with a stretch.
Tha Thang:
We took turns dragging a tractor tire, then bear crawls, upon completion of that, the finisher rang a cowbell to signal the next one to drag & called out an exercise to the group while waiting for a turn to drag and crawl.
We did two rounds. 1st was dragging behind, then reverse drag.
Short-circuit's grandmother in Hospice care. Clog's new grandchild. Lamont's friend Tyler (PTSD). REBA'S brother in-law surgery recovery and continuing treatment.