QiC: Betty Crocker
Date: 02/17/2024
Title: Bringing some Pooler flavor to Savannah
Number of HIMs: 6
Betty Crocker, CPAP, Flo, Joanna, Red Ryder, Two Pack
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Slaughter start – 20 burpees
Michael Phelps, T^3, Abe Vigoda's, Chinooks
Motivators from 8 – Two Pack picked 6 when asked to pick a number between 6 and 10. If YHC didn't want 6, he shouldn't have offered it as an option. The Q chose 8 instead.
Go get cindy from the chicken coop.
Tha Thang:
4 cones set up in a square about 25 yards apart. Circle up within the square.
6 minute timer, do the below exercise for the set reps, then do a lap around the cones always facing the same direction. One side run forward, side shuffle right, backpedal, side shuffle left. Then do another round of the same exercise. Rinse and repeat until the 6 minute timer goes off. Then start another timer with another exercise.
Round 1: Curls * 25 reps
Round 2: Squats with Cindy * 20 reps
Round 3: Merkins * 15 reps – change style if desired – wide, diamonds, one arm on cindy, decline, etc
Round 4: OHP * 15 reps
Round 5: KB Swings * 13
In between rounds, 2 minute rest timer, but you have to do 6 burpees (since Two Pack picked 6 earlier!).
Return cindy, do a little rifle carry while we do it. Back to the flag.
90 second plank before we did the usual Count, Names, AAR, Announcements, Pledge, Prayer
Thankful for this group and that I was able to make it to Daffin for old times sake. Missed some regulars (cough Hamm, cough Matlock), but great to see those I hadn't seen in a while.
Prayers for Puff's Niece and for new Baby's joining our F3 family (Swashbuckler, 9.5, and Captain Cheese).
Spartan Beast – ROAD TRIP – West Virginia weekend of Aug 24. Plan for it, train for it, do it.