1st F 02/03/2024 Start Small Finish Big

QiC: Pergo
Date: 02/03/2024
Title: Start Small Finish Big
Number of HIMs: 8
Clog, French Press, Mr. Miyagi, Olive Oil, Orange Juice, Sakrete, Sweet -n -low

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Quick disclaimer then 10 merkins every minute for 10 minutes

Tha Thang:
Super 21’s
1st round was curls and Hillbillies
Start with 1 curl and Hillbilly
Then 2 curls and 2 Hillbillies
All the way until you 21 and 21
2nd round – OHP and 4ct Flutter Kick
Than some Mary. Everyone called an exercise

Prayers for Short Circuit, French Press’s mom and mother in law.
Praises that Vinyl is getting better.
Talked about the importance of starting small but to keep going (like the super 21 set). Goals are good but having habits that build the guardrails is more important in achieving those goals.
Cor- Nor pledge and pray.
All got better and we never left the circle.