1st F 01/30/2024 PAX push each other

QiC: Sakrete
Date: 01/30/2024
Title: PAX push each other
Number of HIMs: 12
French Press, Mr. Miyagi, Orange Juice, Pergo, Pippette, Pumbaa, Sakrete, ShamWow, Short Circuit, Sweet -n -low, TestTube, Tin Cup

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Shoulder Burn/ LBAC forward/reverse, overhead clap, seal clap, Moroccan night club all IC x 10

TTT x 10 IC;
Flamingo stretch to discuss core principles and mission statement
Hillbillies X10 IC

Tha Thang:
Line up single file facing flag. Man in front takes off running around two islands to back of line then next “front man” goes. All PAX not running sumo squat around islands. Get 4 big cindies and meet at dumpster. Run course and placing blocks at stations that will need them.

Station 1: 10 plank jacks; 10 groiners; 5 colosseums
2) curls
3)Bobby Hurley
4) WW1
5) Tri Cep Extension
6) Monkey Humpers
7) LBCs
8) Chest Press
9) Bonnie Blair’s
10) American hammers
11) KB swings
12) calf raises

Each PAX man a station. All PAX do reps of failure until pushed by PAX coming from previous station. Man at station one advances to station 2 and pushes man at 2 to 3 etc.

Man at station one is timer combined with transition to station 2. After completing 5 stations YHC realized we were not going to finish in time so called an audible. All PAX rotated at same time.

AAR presented some positive thoughts. Will alter before bringing this one back out.

Prayed for Short Circuits Grandma; YHC sister housing situation; Pergos knee

Apologize for delay in getting back blast posted. Strong work to all you MABA participants!! You are an inspiration.