QiC: Bigsby
Date: 01/27/2024
Title: Saturday Beatdown
Number of HIMs: 7
Arrowhead, Bigsby, Cornhole, Gold Bond, Jinxsy, Manscape, Puff
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
SSH x 10
Arm circles forward and backwards
Flamingos (R/L)
TTT x 10
hip/leg stretches
5 merkins
Tha Thang:
400 meter lap (indian run).
Nickels and Dimes: 10 sets of 10 merkins and 5 pull-ups (100 merkins/50 pull-ups)
400 meter lap
Pax completed the following exercises.
EMOM LUNGES: We had an EMOM timer set where every five minutes we would lunge with cindy approximately 30 yards and back to our starting point.
50 Big Boy Sit-Ups
5 BDE Burpees (Burpee, bonnie blair, jump squat)
50 Goblet Squats
5 BDE Burpees
50 Dips
5 BDE Burpees
50 Overhead Press
5 BDE Burpees
50 Kettle Bell Swings
5 BDE Burpees
50 Four Count Flutter Kicks
5 BDE Burpees
50 Curls
5 BDE Burpees
400 meter lap
1 minute plank
Oyster roast today.
Pledge and Prayer