1st F 01/19/2024 Keep the January momentum! 1% better

QiC: Beads
Date: 01/19/2024
Title: Keep the January momentum! 1% better
Number of HIMs: 17
Beads, Brick, Captain D, Coffee Bean, Duke, Fresh Prince, LiveWire, Magic, Mudflap, Papa Doc, Salmonella, Shark Tank, Siwa, Snoopy, Starbucks, Trombone

Number of FNGs: 1
Name of FNGs: O-Rida

SSH x 20
Imperial Walkerx x10
Runners stretch

Tha Thang:
Grabbed Cindy and headed to parking lot to get 1% better
Stopped for 5 burpees
Divided into groups of 2 and completed the following:
1 bleacher run
Calf raises x 20
2 Deadlifts x 20
Pickle pointers x20
3 Chest press x 50
Skull crushers x 10
4 MES pull-ups x 10
Dips x 10
5 pax choice
20 burpees or 20 thrusters
6 Incline merkins x 25
Drunken man climbers x 25
7 Sumo squats x 25
Figure 8 x 25
8 pull-ups x10
Marios x 20
9 Goblet squats x 25
Toe taps x25
10 lawnmowers x 20
OHP x 30

Upcoming CSAUP in April to support fellowship of Christian athletes
FIA becoming legit
Speed4need @Love and Chocolate run in February
Travel prayers for student athletes this weekend
Prayers for those struggling with addiction (support Sal as he tries to stop vaping)
Welcome FNG! O-rida