QiC: Fresh Prince
Date: 01/17/2024
Title: Winter Wonderland WOD (28 Degrees)
Number of HIMs: 19
Beads, Brick, Captain D, Chum, Duke, Eleanor, Fresh Prince, Hoover, LiveWire, Magic, Papa Doc, Pellets, Shark Tank, Smoke, Snoopy, Starbucks, The Leopard, Trombone, Wild Thing
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
200 yard Medley (MOT)
Tha Thang:
The Thang – 2 rounds (one partner works; one partner rifle Carries down 100 yards and back; walking curls (2))
* 100 Air Squats
* 80 Kettle Bell Swings
* 60 Hand Release-Merkins
* 50 Overhead Presses
* 40 Burpees
* 20 Bonnie Blair’s
* 50 yard murder bunny to midfield and 50 yard reverse murder bunny back to goal line; 2nd round bear crawl/crawl bear. (Rinse and Repeat)
Grateful for the opportunity, the blessing to get up and after it! Prayers for Dan (Chum’s BIL and Chop) Allow us to continue to lead in action and not just mere words! Give us the strength to be the light in the darkness.