1st F 01/04/2024 Anniversaries Q for Sakrete

QiC: Sakrete
Date: 01/04/2024
Title: Anniversaries Q for Sakrete
Number of HIMs: 10
French Press, Mr. Miyagi, Orange Juice, Patches, Pippette, Sakrete, ShamWow, Sweet -n -low, TestTube, Tin Cup

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Moment of Silence for Bellator (Summerville PAX). R.I.P my friend
Plank- left arm up- right arm up- plank- runners stretch left leg- runners stretch right leg
5 burpees for French Press arriving whenever suited him
Shoulder burner to warm up: LBAC forward/reverse, over head clap, moraccan night clubs, seal claps all IC x 10
Hillbillies x 10 IC
Imperial Walkers x 10 IC

Tha Thang:
Line up and do Reverse Indian—— Nevermind audible this didn’t work at all.
Grab Cindy and gather in grass by bus shed
Around the world (pass Cindy around body OYO until time called)
Sumo squat from island to the bushes by the building and back
Place blocks across the grass on alternating fashion: up/down/up/down etc. Split into two teams of 5. Everyone line up at blocks. Run out about 30’ and do two burpees and run back to blocks. Goal for team 1 was to lay all blocks down and team 2 to stand all up—— Team 2 was victor

Stow Cindy and meet at parking lot with flag. 4 corners. Corner 1 10 squats 7 colosseums. Corner 2 10 squats, 10 calf raises, 7 colosseums. Corner 3 10 squats, 10 calf raises, 10 Bobby Hurley, 7 colosseums. Corner 4 10 squats, 10 calf raises, 10 Bobby Hurley, 10 Lt Dan, 7 Colosseums

Continued around the parking lot and at each corner dropped an exercise. Ended with just 7 colosseums. Reverse lap around the parking lot back to flag.

Mary: 7 LBC on Q; 10 WW1 on Q; 7 flutterkicks IC; 10 American Hammers on Q. 100s called by Sweet N Low (rock back on your six. SNL counts 1-9 PAX call 10a)

Today is my 10th wedding anniversary and my 7th F3 anniversary. Patches and Test Tube were whispering in each others ears all morning and decided to bring everyone in didnt namarama. These dudes are super strange

Namarama with burpees
Extra burpee for Bellator. Rest Easy sir

Bellator passed yesterday afternoon. Still planning convergence and fundraising for 20th
Beach Ruck 21st
Speed4Need 13th

Prayers for families in area losing someone.
Prayers for our Nantan Pergo with knee injury.

Did I mention the guys of the ranch are weird. Everything is fine until Patches shows up