1st F 01/03/2024 Full Body Cindy

QiC: TestTube
Date: 01/03/2024
Title: Full Body Cindy
Number of HIMs: 8
Clog, Falcon9, Hobby Lobby, noodles, Reba, Swabbie, Turnbuckle

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Right over left/Left over Right toe touch, Quad stretch balance if you can, through the tunnel, Don Coyotes, plank, downward dog, under the fence, left arm up, right arm up, recover into Moroccan nightclubs, chinooks forward and reverse, Michael Phelps, calf raises. Warm up run around mid island and out to Cindy

Tha Thang:
4 Rounds

15 x KB swings

10 x Goblet Squat

10 x Thrusters

10 x Lawnmower right

10 x Lawn mower Left

30 seconds – Cindy round and round (Core stabilizing)

20 Steps – Overhead high knees (Core stabilizing)

10 x KB up to OHP

After each round run to pull up bars, 5 pull-ups only 3 bars available so rest of the group holds plank and rotates through. Run back to Cindy for next round, gotta keep Cindy warm it was a cold morning.

Announcements: Polar Run on Jan 13th, Speed 4 Need

Prayer Requests: praises for Reba’s brother in law and Clog’s daughter, praying for their recoveries.