1st F 12/18/2023 OG Workout

QiC: Trophy
Date: 12/18/2023
Title: OG Workout
Number of HIMs: 6
Beads, Butterfingers, Crablegs, Papa Doc, Pine Knot, Trophy

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

20 ss hops
10 low and slow squats
10 lunge twists
10 Don Quixote
10 imperial walkers

Tha Thang:
Wanted to reminisce about the good ole days, so headed for a jog back to the old turf fields. Happy to report the replacement is progressing well, and they are lining the fields now. Kept moving and headed back to the old parking lot OG workout spot. Time for 4 corners. Split up 3 and 3. While one group runs a lap, other group does a workout. Rotate then move to next corner. Corner 1 – butterfinger squats, corner 2 – trophy gas pumpers, corner 3 – curb merkins, corner 4 – Carolina dry docks. Mosey back to the new AO, put the old school in the rear view…

Prayers for travel, kids wrapping up school this week. Reminder to cherish time with loved ones….