1st F 12/05/2023 Next Exercise… Calf Raises

QiC: Sakrete
Date: 12/05/2023
Title: Next Exercise… Calf Raises
Number of HIMs: 8
French Press, Gumbo, Mr. Miyagi, Pippette, Sakrete, ShamWow, Sweet -n -low, Tin Cup

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Michael Phelps
Right arm back to discuss mission statement
Left arm back to discuss core principles
All exercises done IC x10. Leave arms up until instructed to drop
LBAC Forward
LBAC Reverse
Overhead clap
Seal clap
Raise the roofs
TTT IC X 10 (slow)
Flamingo Stretch both legs
25 calf raises on Q
25 calf raises on Q
Get Cindy and gather at small parking lot by dumpster

Tha Thang:
Split into teams. Spread Cindies across parking lot in taker sting fashion. (Laying, standing, laying, standing etc.). Each team gets on opposite sides of blocks. Both teams start at blocks. Run out 3 parking spaces. Do one burpee and run back. One team is trying to stand the blocks the other is trying to lay them down.

Goal is to get all the cindies either standing or laying. Like any good competition- ended in CAT.

Rifle carry Cindy to front parking lot gathering at island in the middle.
20 tri cep extensions on Q
25 calf raises on Q
Bear crawl to other side of island
15 squats on Q
25 calf raises on Q
Run to island by motorcycle parking
10 LBC
25 calf raises on Q
Crawl bear to other side of island
5 colosseums OYO
25 calf raises on Q
Bernie Sanders run back to corner 1 where Cindy is resting.

Rinse and Repeat for three rounds. Decreases reps at each corner by 1 and calf raises by 5 each. After 3rd round is complete rifle carry Cindy home

Per request by Sweet-N-Low.

100s on IC. (Feet 6” off ground. Motion towards ground with hands. Q calls 1-9 PAX call 10s.

Lots of guys in region suffering sickness in family.
Prayers for Bellator in Summerville. Transitioning to eternal life. Convergence pending to raise funds for family. Planning clown car from Coastal Empire
Praise report for YHC M as she completed her Masters last night
Reach out to guys you haven’t seen in a while