1st F 12/01/2023 Very Tire ish Q

QiC: Flat Tire
Date: 12/01/2023
Title: Very Tire ish Q
Number of HIMs: 10
9.5, Betty Crocker, Bogey, Brady Bunch, DQ, French Press, Honker, ShamWow, Sweet -n -low

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

58 SSH, A few burpees when listening to Up/down.

Tha Thang:
A round of Dora. 150 OHP and 200 Curls. Pax 1 farmer carried 2 cindys to 2nd light pole, dropped them there and mosey back. While 1st pax was carrying, 2nd pax would be completing OHP with Cindy. When 1st pax returned he picked up the OHP and 2nd pax moseyed to pick up the cindys and return. Rinse and repeat until 150 OHP and 200 curls complete as a team. If in a group of 3, rotate in and do squats if not performing exercise or carrying Cindy.
Mosey to back Lot.
Quick round of quarter pounder
Return to flag
Story time with burpees.

More bourbon exchanged and donuts for YHC’s birthday.
Bridge run this Saturday
Pledge , Pray, and on our way

Always a good time being with good people.