1st F 11/21/2023 Space Bunnies

QiC: TestTube
Date: 11/21/2023
Title: Space Bunnies
Number of HIMs: 10
Falcon9, Huckleberry, Orange Juice, Patches, Pippette, Sakrete, ShamWow, Sweet -n -low, Tin Cup

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Cross leg hamstring stretch, switch leg. Quad stretch, calf raise. Don Coyotes, Plank, downward dog, under the fence, right arm up, left arm up, runner stretch, recover, Moroccan night clubs, chinooks.

Tha Thang:
Proud of those who got out of bed to face the raging rainstorm that awaited us. Reminiscent of the days of Noah. Couldn’t escape it, even under the awnings didn’t appear dry……so I made the difficult decision to carry on as planned. Hurt me more than it hurt them

Warm up mosey to the front corner of the church parking lot: 2 Navy Seals, continue mosey to awning to escape the rain but there were far too many HIMs to fit, so we completed 2 Navy Seals just outside of the awning. Continued mosey back to where Cindy’s were setup.

2 Cindy’s to Murder Bunny to cone and back. Rest of the PAX held plank until the next 2 went, then the next 2 etc. Huckleberry and ShamWow get credit for holding plank the longest and without a peep from either of them.

After MB, Run to first parking space 10 reps, move to next space: 1 burpee, move to next space 10 reps, move to next space etc. At the end of the row Bear crawl to other side and proceed down that row, first space: 10 reps, move to next space 1 burpee, move to next space: 10 reps etc

Parking Space exercises starting with closest

Space 1: WW2
Space 2: Burpee
Space 3: Grave Diggers
Space 4: Burpee
Space 5: Heals to Heaven
Space 6: Burpee
Space 7: Curls

Bear Crawl to other row

Space 1: Lawn Mower
Space 2: Burpee
Space 3: Kettle Bell
Space 4: Burpee
Space 5: Uneven Merkins
Space 6: Burpee
Space 7: WW2 Twists

After completing both sides: Bernie Sanders to middle island then sprint around island and back to Murder Bunny station. Repeat

Forgot to mention at the site Huckleberry’s first time at The Ranch. Welcome

Announcements: Football, bourbon exchange, Rincon parade, bridge run

Prayers: Sakrete friend who had a miscarriage.