1st F 11/14/2023 Can you Count to 30

QiC: TestTube
Date: 11/14/2023
Title: Can you Count to 30
Number of HIMs: 5
French Press, Orange Juice, Pippette, ShamWow

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Cross leg hamstring stretch, switch leg. Quad stretch, calf raise. Don Coyotes, through the tunnels. Plank, right arm up, left arm up, runner stretch, recover, Moroccan night clubs, chinooks, Michael Phelps.

Tha Thang:
Warm up mosey. Ran to the basketball goal(RIP), 5 Navy Seals, ran to the drain, 5 Navy Seals, run to the front corner of church parking lot, 5 merkins, run to other front corner of church, 5 merkins, run to dumpster, 5 Navy Seals, run to the 4 posts, 5 Merkins. Wake Cindy up.

Calling out exercise, 30 reps then hold Al Gore until everyone finishes. Then burpees together

30 Curls

5 burpees

30 Tri Ext

5 burpees

30 Lunges

5 burpees

30 Ohp

5 burpees

1 min plank- 30 sec up/30 sec elbows

1 min plank- 30 sec up/30 sec elbows

30 LBCs

30 leg lifts

30 sec side plank elbow (both sides)

30 WW2 Twists

30 Curls

30 Tri Ext

30 Lunges

Take Cindy home, circle at the flag, on your 6. Right leg over left knee lay back and stretch. Switch legs and stretch. Sit up and reach for toes stretch. Left leg bent back quad stretch, switch to right leg bent back quad stretch.

Announcements: Thanksgiving Football Game

Prayers for 8th grade group traveling to Washington DC