QiC: Focker
Date: 11/10/2023
Title: Many did CHAD1000X and some ran round the lake
Number of HIMs: 13
diapers, DJ Scribbles, Flo, Focker, Hoochie, Joanna, Kirby, Mr. 305, salad, Skinny Dip, Tiny Tim, Waterboy, Worm
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Skinny did burpees
Tha Thang:
0500 start. Nine started stepping up. Lots of happy steppers.
Music was on point.
Four went running around the lake and one went around mid-Town (salad) and finished with step ups
Good work from all!
Namearama, countarama, pledge and prayers
Oyster Roast 8 December. Location TBD
Have a great weekend.
It's mental health month. Reach out to some HIMS who haven't been at workouts in a while. Do a buddy check!