QiC: Washout
Date: 11/06/2023
Title: It's all Fun & Games
Number of HIMs: 23
Beads, Brick, Bring it, Chop, Chum, Doobie, Doubtfire, Duke, Dump truck, Fresh Prince, HolyCow, LiveWire, Mudflap, Pellets, Shark Tank, Slice, Smoke, Trombone, Washout, Wickles, Wild Thing
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
– SSH x 15
– Arm Circles
– Downward Dog into Cobra
– Worlds Greatest Stretch
Tha Thang:
Mosey to Playground
Dora Dora Dora
– partner 1 runs to fire hydrant and back while partner 2 does below: Alternate until complete.
– 30 Pull-ups
– 60 Merkins
– 90 Squats
– 120 American hammers
Mosey back to the turf field and circle up…
Free for all: Bear Crawl Tag – if your hand is touched then you leave the game area and do 5 burpees before re-entering.
Free for all: Touch Wrestling – Touch another partners knee to tag them out. If tagged go to sideline and complete 5 merkins before re-entering
Elimination push-up round that goes on to the last man standing (or planking). If eliminated, jog around the remaining contestants until everyone is out. Congrats to Doobie for bragging rights followed up by Shark Tank and Chop.
Prayers for the loss of Chum's friend, Doobie's student having surgery, prayers for Old Yeller's speedy recovery, and prayers for the victims of war in Israel, military and first responders.