1st F 10/30/2023 Team Work = Dream Work

QiC: Bullwinkle
Date: 10/30/2023
Title: Team Work = Dream Work
Number of HIMs: 5
Bullwinkle, Buzz Lightyear, Mr. Miyagi, Patches, Pergo

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Don Quixote’s IC
Imperial Walkers IC
Leg Stretches
Arm Stretches
Little Baby Arm Circles

Tha Thang:
Ring of Fire Style Workout one person ran a suicide while the rest took turns doing a rep each in a continuous action until the runner returns. The next runner would then go as the group would pick back up at the last numbered rep. The group switch exercises after the desired target reps were met.

100 Thrusters
150 Curls
200 LBC
250 Merkins
300 Squats
300 Burpees

We had 8 penalty burpees at the end for lighted fire truck and police officer.

Prayers for Rincon Policeman’s family, Family who lost an older gentlemen in an explosion, FBCP, Rothwell’s prospective worship/youth position