1st F 10/30/2023 Back Lot Scramble

QiC: Honker
Date: 10/30/2023
Title: Back Lot Scramble
Number of HIMs: 12
Backfire, Betty Crocker, Bogey, Brady Bunch, Flat Tire, Gilligan, Quikrete, Sippy Cup, Sweet -n -low, TestTube, TPS

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Run to the Cindy's.
Take them to the back lot and place them at the correct site.

Tha Thang:
Laid out the following 6 Stations.
(5) Pull ups at the Pull up bars.
Run to the next station.
(10) HR Merks
Bear Crawl to the next station
(15) WWII
Run to the next station
(20) OHP with Cindy.
Murder Bunny to the next station
(25) Flutter Kicks
Run to the last station
(30) Squats.
Then head back and run the same stations in the opposite direction.
27 Minutes later head to the COT for some Mary.
Boat Canoe
Flutter Kicks
American Hammers

Pledge and Prayer
All are better for it.