1st F 10/27/2023 Farmer Friday and Merkin Challenge Catch-Up

QiC: Trophy
Date: 10/27/2023
Title: Farmer Friday and Merkin Challenge Catch-Up
Number of HIMs: 4
Beads, Butterfingers, Crablegs, Trophy

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Legs stretched, trunk twists, pushup bras, warmup lap.

Tha Thang:
Grab 2 Cindys and head to the turf. Start at the goal line. 20 merkins, farmer carry to the 50, 20 merkins, Lt Dans back to the goal line, 20 merkins, jog back to the 50, 20 merkins, farmer back to the goal line. Rinse and repeat 4 rounds. Finish with 20 extra merkins, so we hit 300 merkins for the day…

Prayers for travel, work, missing pax, hurt pax.