1st F 10/11/2023 Free to Lead

QiC: Mr. Miyagi
Date: 10/11/2023
Title: Free to Lead
Number of HIMs: 5
Bullwinkle, Buzz Lightyrat, Patches, R. Kelly

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Michael Phelps
Plank into downward dog, five core principles then to cobra
Downward dog, F3 mission, then to cobra
F3 credo then to runners lunges
Chinooks x20 IC forward, x20 IC reverse

Tha Thang:
During the convergence from the Growruck weekend, we learned about how to properly lead a workout. So I decided that everyone should practice going through the process.

Each pax gathered two cindies a peace. The Pax come to the starting point with two bowls present. From there, each pax draws an exercise out of the first bowl and leads the workout in this fashion:

The first/next exercise is ……
Starting position, move.
In cadence/on que/OYO, etc.

Then pax draws a movement from the second bowl and leads the movement the same way as the exercise.

The Pax move to the next set of bowls and a different person repeats the same process as the previous person. Rotate out Pax each time to lead the next exercise.

Exercises drawn from bowls:
Squats w/ cindy
Hand release merkins
Tricep extensions
American Hammers

Movements drawn from bowls:
Bear crawl(x2)
Crawl bear(x2)
Bernie Sanders
Lunge walk(x2)
Sumo walk(x2)

Prayers for R. Kelly's new career move
Prayers for new worship/youth leader at Bullwinkle's church

SFN at the Bridge Run – need more info