1st F 10/09/2023 Take Me Out to the Ball Game

QiC: Bullwinkle
Date: 10/09/2023
Title: Take Me Out to the Ball Game
Number of HIMs: 5
Bullwinkle, Door Jam, Patches, Pergo

Number of FNGs: 1
Name of FNGs: Buzz Lightyear

Plank with disclaimer
Don Quixote IC
Spread Leg Stretch Rt and Lf
Rt and Lf leg back
Trunk Twists
Michael Phelps
Little Baby Arm Circles IC
Chinooks IC

Tha Thang:
Field was set up as a baseball diamond. Bases were approximately 60ft apart. At each base you would do 6 reps (one rep for the past six years the braves have won the NL East Pennant) of the exercise for the inning. There are 9 innings. Each inning lasts 3 minutes. The goal was to score as many runs each inning as possible. The first exercise listed is the way to get to each base, and the second was the exercise for reps.

1. Bear Crawl, American Hammers (4ct)
2. Mosey, Perfect Merkins
3. Rifle Carry, Thrusters
4. Bernie Sanders, Bonnie Blairs (2ct)
5. Murder Bunny, WWIII
6. Bernie Sanders, Burpees
7. Bear Crawl, Jungle Bois
8. Mosey, LBC
9. Jailbreak, Jump Squat

Prayers for each man to be the man God called him to be and Prayers for Israel