QiC: Door Jam
Date: 10/06/2023
Title: No rest for the weary
Number of HIMs: 2
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Leg stretches
Plank stretch
Merkins 10 OC
Get cindy
Tha Thang:
This was set up tabata style but with a twist.
Work for one minute, and if you finish the rep count you get to rest till the next exercise. If you're not finished when the timer goes off, stop where you are and move to the next exercise. There were four sets of four exercises, repeat each set twice, with a 90 second rest before moving to the next set.
Set uno:
12 burpees
30 LBCs (4ct)
20 hands-to-ground squats
45 OHP
Set dos:
8 blockees
15 WWI
20 lunges
25 KB swings
Set tres:
6 Navy Seals
30 hammers (4ct)
12 no surenders
30 skullcrushers
Set 4:
40 monkeyhumpers
44 merkins
6 penalty burpees for two police cars
Prayers for safety of those traveling and those doing Growruck this weekend
This style of workout seemed mre effective than a traditional AMRAP because you push hard to get it done early and consequently work harder than you otherwise would. At least that was our take.