1st F 10/04/2023 Let em Roll

QiC: Patches
Date: 10/04/2023
Title: Let em Roll
Number of HIMs: 4
Bullwinkle, Mr. Miyagi, Patches, Spokes

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

plank w disclaimer
runner stretch
Don Quixotes
Arm stretch Rt/Lt
Trunk Twist
Mosey to neck pole and back to wake up Cindy

Tha Thang:
6 exercises were used which included merks, squats with a curl, OHPs, dips, Chest press, and Thrusters. We completed 5 reps, 10 reps, 15, reps, 10 reps, and 5 reps, back to 10 and so on…After completing a set, each HIM had a die, one captain was chosen to roll. What ever number the captain rolled, ex. 4 the captain and the other HIM had to roll that number. as soon as you roll the 4, you take off to the cone 40 yards out and keep moving until the last HIM rolled the same number and completed the movement to the cone and back. Movements included, sprint, murder bunny, rifle carry,and bernie sanders. Movements and captains changed after each exercise set. Great work by all.

Pray- Prayed for all the HIM completing the Ruck this weekend, safety and protection, prayed that Spokes will have the opportunity to share the gospel with some folks he is meeting with, lifted up all the HIM to be the Godly men and leaders that we are called to be, prayers for those battling injuries