1st F 09/25/2023 IPC23 Final Beatdown

QiC: Doobie
Date: 09/25/2023
Title: IPC23 Final Beatdown
Number of HIMs: 22
Beads, Blue Gazelle, Brick, Bring it, Captain D, Chum, Coffee Bean, Doobie, Duke, Fresh Prince, LiveWire, Mudflap, Papa Doc, Pellets, Shark Tank, Smoke, Trombone, Washout, Wickles, Wild Thing

Number of FNGs: 2
Name of FNGs: McConaughey, Slice

High Knees, 5 Tenets
Slow Squats
High Plank
Downward Dog, Cobra
Imperial Walkers
Kraken Burpees
WWIII Situps
Perfect Merkins

Tha Thang:
25-Min IPC Week 4 WE AREN'T PROFESSIONALS, Partner Workout!

5min EMOM, 3 Kraken Burpees. Partner 1, start with 5 Perfect Merkins, block work. Partner 2, 10m Murder Bunny, 10 Thruster, Bear Crawl back, tag Partner 2. Partner 1, 5 Perfect Merkins, block work until Partner 2 finishes the second down/back.

Round 1

Murder Bunny 10yds to 1st cone and perform 10 thrusters
Bear crawl back to start and perform 5 perfect merkins
Run back to block, Murder Bunny 10yds to the 2nd cone, and perform 15 thrusters
Bear crawl back to start and perform 5 perfect merkins
Run back to block, Murder Bunny 10yds to the 3rd cone, and perform 20 thrusters
Bear crawl back to start and perform 5 perfect merkins
Run back to block, Reverse Murder Bunny 10yds back to 2nd cone, and perform 15 thrusters
Bear crawl back to start and perform 5 perfect merkins
Run back to block, Reverse Murder Bunny 10yds back to 1st cone, and perform 10 thrusters
Bear crawl back to start and perform 5 perfect merkins
Run back to block, Reverse Murder Bunny 10yds to cone 0 (starting line)
Round 2

Murder Bunny 10yds to 1ST cone and perform 10 BDE Big Boys (WWIII Sit-ups)
Bear crawl back to start and perform 5 perfect merkins
Run back to block, Murder Bunny 10yds to 2nd cone, and perform 15 BDE Big Boys
Bear crawl back to start and perform 5 perfect merkins
Run back to block, Murder Bunny 10yds to 3rd cone, and perform 20 BDE Big Boys
Bear crawl back to start and perform 5 perfect merkins
Run back to block, Reverse Murder Bunny 10yds to 2nd cone, and perform 15 BDE Big Boys
Bear crawl back to start and perform 5 perfect merkins
Run back to block, Reverse Murder Bunny 10yds to 1st cone, and perform 10 BDE Big Boys
Bear crawl back to start and perform 5 perfect merkins
Run back to block, Reverse Murder Bunny 10yds to cone 0 (starting line)
Round 3

Murder Bunny 10yds to 1st cone and perform 10 Man-makers (Blockees)
Bear crawl back to start and perform 5 perfect merkins
Run back to block, Murder Bunny 10yds to 2nd cone, and perform 15 Man-makers
Bear crawl back to start and perform 5 perfect merkins
Run back to block, Murder Bunny 10yds to 3rd cone, and perform 20 Man-makers
Bear crawl back to start and perform 5 perfect merkins
Run back to block, Reverse Murder Bunny 10yds to 2nd cone, and perform 15 Man-makers
Bear crawl back to start and perform 5 perfect merkins
Run back to block, Reverse Murder Bunny 10yds to 1st cone, and perform 10 Man-makers
Bear crawl back to start and perform 5 perfect merkins
Run back to block, Reverse Murder Bunny 10yds to cone 0 (starting line)

4:30am start with block on WED for IPC Week 4!

SAME GOD, yesterday, today, tomorrow! TAKE THAT TO THE BANK!

#rama, Namarama!
2 x FNG, Chris Z "Slice"; father of 3, ESS Teacher at RHHS; James "McConaughey"; 30 years retired, LSU, AlllllRight AllllRight!

Great #speed4need event Sat at 9Line Berwick Run, Support from @beads @freshprince @chum @coffeebean; Next event 10/14 Heartland in town; plan on it! Need Riders:)

Get your F3 yardsigns from @chum $20 for 3!

4:30am Start WED! Let's FINISH IPC STRONG! @bringit will Q and proctor!