QiC: Kirby
Date: 09/13/2023
Title: Aliens arrived from the Satellite Moon
Number of HIMs: 4
Flo, Spread Eagle, Worm
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Neck roll
AV- 10 IC
4 count squat – 10 IC
AC- 10 IC
Reverse AC -10 IC
RR-10 IC
worlds greatest stretch
down dog
hillbilly – 10 IC
Tin man – 10 OYO
Flamingo – each leg
Tha Thang:
Mosey toward pullup bars, stop at random lights
1st stop – 5 side lunge, 10 LBC, 15 SSH
karaoke to next pole, mosey
2nd stop – 5 squat, 10 gas pumpers, 15 seal jacks
3rd stop – 5 bonnie blair, 1 min cobra, 1 min plank
mosey back toward cirlce
4th stop – Al gore 30 sec, 10 x factors hard way, 15 jump squats
mosey to circle, side shuffle
at circle 5th stop, 5 squats, 10 heels to heaven, 15 tuck jumps
mosey toward bridge
6th stop -5 lunges hard way, 10 flutters, 15 mountain climbers
mosey back, then sprint from light pole 50 yards
recover walking backwards, then lunge walk to circle
5 min stretch (arm crossover, arm overhead, leg crossover)
LBC to time
cobra to stretch
COR, NOR, pledge, announcements:
IPC at Landings, Islands Thursday
Need Q's for next week, need PAX for next week!
Pray for all those PAX that didn't get out of bed, recovery for Celah (and doctors treating her), wisdom and guidance as we lead in our homes and communities, safe travels for Worm to FL next week.