1st F 08/28/2023 Scope Takeover Q- To the Courts!

QiC: Trophy
Date: 08/28/2023
Title: Scope Takeover Q- To the Courts!
Number of HIMs: 4
Butterfingers, Lynard, Murdock, Trophy

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Realized Scope wasn't coming, improvised and took the Q.
20 ss hops, stretch the legs, 10 artificial turf pickers, 10 imperial walkers

Tha Thang:
Head to the tennis courts.


33 hand release merkins, run court 1 lines, 33 hand release merkins, run court 2 lines, 34 hand release merkins, run court 3 lines. Total 100 HR merkins.

66 air squats, run court 1 lines, 67 air squats, run court 2 lines, 67 air squats, run court 3 lines. Total 200 air squats.

100 single count penguins, run court 1 lines, 100 single count penguins, run court 2 lines, 100 single count penguins, run court 3 lines. Total 300 single count penguins.

Time is up, run back to Flag.

Prayers for our PAX. 0600 Saturday is iron pax week 0.