1st F 08/25/2023 Mr. Woodcocks fitness Friday

QiC: Mr. Woodcock
Date: 08/25/2023
Title: Mr. Woodcocks fitness Friday
Number of HIMs: 25
Beads, Brick, Bring it, Captain D, Chum, Coffee Bean, Doobie, Duke, Dump truck, Fresh Prince, Granite, Greenspan, LiveWire, Milkman, Mr. Woodcock, Mudflap, Old Yeller, Papa Doc, Pellets, Pihole, Shark Tank, Smoke, Trombone, Washout, Wild Thing

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Warm up
20 ssh in cadence
High plank- downward dog
Calf stretch right/left
Runners stretch right left
Right arm/left arm up
Left/right leg circles

Tha Thang:
Right side game builders and bulldozers
All Cindy in the right 18 yard box of turf field. Split teams into 2 teams builders and bulldozers.
Set all Cindy’s randomly in vertical position.
On go both teams bear crawl around.
Builders stand Cindy up
Bulldozers push Cindy down.
(Play 2 3-5 min rounds) 25 big boys before switching.

Center field partner Cindy work
250 OHP
250 lawn mower pulls
250 squats (use Cindy if you want)

Left side of the field game. Paper rock scissors
5 levels
Each person plays another pax while holding Cindy. You cannot play the Sam pax twice in a row unless tied.
Win advance to next level and wait to play someone.
Lose and go back a level.
If you lose you must do 1 man maker at the previous level before playing someone else.
Objective is to make it to all five levels undefeated. If so you get 1 point and start over at level one. (Do a manmaker) try to get as many points as you can.

Buckets of Mary
Partner on both side of the bucket
25 fingertip squat taps
25 big boy 3 taps
30 alternating plank taps
25 toe taps long way

Woodcock mom ER visit (update procedure took place, still awaiting results)
Cross country highschool- strong bodies to endure heat
Football athletics- no injuries, good attitudes
Julie prayers- continue to thrive and find answers for healing.

Enjoy the weekend gentlemen!