1st F 08/21/2023 yo yo

QiC: Scope
Date: 08/21/2023
Title: yo yo
Number of HIMs: 6
Low Tide, Marv, Murdock, Trophy

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

10 Imperial Walkers- IC
wide leg- middle/left/right
trunk twists
Arm Circles

Grab Cindy and head to the turf

Tha Thang:
Facing long ways starting on the goal line we did 3 rounds.

Round 1-
10 KB Swings
run to the 10
10 Air squats.
back to the goal line 10 more KB's
run to the 20 for 10 more air squats,

Always 10 reps and increase by 10 yards each cycle. 10 minute time limit and get as far as you can.

Round 2:
curls on the goal line X 15
Merks on each yard line X 15
10 minute time limit and go as far as you can.

Round 3:
lightening round…
20 OHP
no second exercise just run touch the line and back. Increase by 10 each time.

in between each round:
21 bigs boys
21 two count penguins
21 gas pumpers

Put the old girl up and back on the flag.

Murdock, praise for funeral that went well.