QiC: Trophy
Date: 08/18/2023
Title: Ab Day!
Number of HIMs: 3
Butterfingers, Crablegs, Trophy
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Runner stretch, windmills, ss hops, quad stretch, push up bras, etc etc
Tha Thang:
It's ab day boys. Start with a jog to the pull up bars. On the bar: leg raises x10, trunk twists x10ea side, straight leg raises x10, toes to bar x 10.
Back to the road: big boys x 10, trophy wipers x 10 ea side, heels to heaven x 10, penguins x10, bird dogs x 10 ea.
Mosey around the school, stop at the curb: on the curb gas pumpers x 10 ea, side pumpers x 10 ea side, full pump x 10.
Run around the school, back to the pull up station.
Repeat all of the above again.
Done! Abs smoked.
Buttefingers travel to SC and time with wifey in jekyll. Crablegs travel to Texas. Papa Doc will be back Wednesday. Spend some time with your family this weekend!