1st F 08/07/2023 WireWeek -MoanDay

QiC: LiveWire
Date: 08/07/2023
Title: WireWeek -MoanDay
Number of HIMs: 27
Beads, Brick, Captain D, Chop, Chum, Coffee Bean, Doobie, Duke, Eleanor, Fresh Prince, Greenspan, Hoover, Kong, Magic, Milkman, Mr. Woodcock, Mudflap, Old Yeller, Opus, Papa Doc, Shark Tank, Smoke, Trombone, Wild Thing

Number of FNGs: 1
Name of FNGs: Wickles

WireWeek at the OG – piloting moving EBs to the new turf field for the week

– Imperial Walkers
– Don Qs
– Dog/Cobra
– Arm Circles
– Grinders

Tha Thang:
Round 1: Burpees & Sprinting
Do 8 Burpees on the sideline, sprint to the far sideline and do 8 more. Continue until the 11th set of 8 Burpees are complete (88 total)

Round 2: Squrls & Coupon Carries 
Do 11 Squrls* on the sideline, coupon carry to the far sideline and do 11 more. Continue until the 8th set of 11 Squrls are complete (88 total)
*Squrls = Squat while curling coupon up to chest

Round 3: X Factors and Coupon Carries – Do 44 Xfactors the Hardway sprint across with Cindy 1 Do 44 Xfactors and coupon carry back

Praises and Unspoken Prayers

– Meet at parking lot close to woods where we put Cindy
– We’ll circle up at the 50yd line for a very special guest Weds

IPC around the corner – push yourself – don’t worry about others – just worry about YOUvsYOU