1st F 08/03/2023 Pipe down, I’m Tired!

QiC: TestTube
Date: 08/03/2023
Title: Pipe down, I’m Tired!
Number of HIMs: 6
Cheeseburger Eddie, Mr. Miyagi, Sakrete, ShamWow, Short Circuit

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:


Warm Up
Plank, downward dog into cobra, runner stretch, through the tunnel, Don coyotes, imperial walker, Michael Phelps, Moroccan night clubs, chinooks, SSH

Mosey around church

Tha Thang:
Split into 2 teams

Station 1
Found concrete filled pvc pipe at OG, borrowed for added fun
Concrete Pipe carry length of sheds- every 5 steps do 5 squats/ other PAX do Bear crawl or murder bunny
Rotate and return until station 2 is completed with their round

Run to Station 2

Station 2
Tire roll
4 possible landing zones
30 reps
15 reps
10 reps
5 reps

Roll tire, all run to tire and perform exercise at landing zone rep count. Carry tire back to starting point

1st Round-Burpees

2nd Round-Mountain Climbers each leg

3rd Round-Jump Squats

4th Round-Merkins

Run to station 1

Team 2 claimed to have reached the 5 rep zone on the first try but we’ll review the footage to verify

Rooster burpees, that fella was loud and proud this morning.

Finished with Mary and a couple leg stretches

Grow ruck sign up

Prayers for Sakrete mom