QiC: Skinny Dip
Date: 07/28/2023
Title: Nice and humid
Number of HIMs: 9
Backfire, Brady Bunch, Dizzy, DQ, Flat Tire, Radar, Sippy Cup, Skinny Dip, TestTube
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Full body neck down to ankle rotations, worlds greatest stretch with cossack stretch.
Jog to start point and grab cindys
Tha Thang:
Partner up – one is moves and one works. When the mover gets back he takes over wherever the worker left off. Rinse and repeat.
30m lunge walk
8x burbees
30m bear crawl
10x KB swings
30m crab crawl
10x mericans
30m bear crawl
10x kb swings
30m lunge walk
8x burpees
100m run
Adjusted the crawling due to time down to 20m
Finished with about 1:30 min of flutters and hello dollies
Countarama, Namearama, announcements, pledge, prayers