1st F 07/19/2023 Field Cardio

QiC: Honker
Date: 07/19/2023
Title: Field Cardio
Number of HIMs: 23
Anvil, Backfire, Betty Crocker, Bogey, Brady Bunch, Butter Cup, Cropduster, Dizzy, Flat Tire, Flo, French Press, Fro-Zone, Gilligan, Joanna, Radar, Sippy Cup, Spam, Sweet -n -low, TestTube, Tiny Tim, Tutti Frutti, WooHoo

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

A few TTT
A few Hangs
A few Navy Seals
Then a quick mosey around the field to get the legs warm

Tha Thang:
Start at on Goal Line Perform 5 navy Seals
Run around the outside of the field to the opposite goal line perform 10 Merks
Run back to the starting Goal line.
Sprint to the 10 and perform 10 SSH. Sprint back to the Goal line and perform the 5 Navy Seals.
Rise and Repeat the outside performing the merks and Seal at each goal line.
Sprint to the 20, Perform 20 SSH
Next round to the 30, then to the 40, then at the 50 perform a Honker.
Keep this up for 29 Minutes.

Pledge and Prayer
All were better for it.