1st F 07/17/2023 Crabbin Around

QiC: Scope
Date: 07/17/2023
Title: Crabbin Around
Number of HIMs: 4
Doobie, Marv, Murdock

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

imperial walkers- 15IC
wide leg- middle/left/right
straight leg kicks- 5 each way OYO
trunk twists

Head down to the OG turf field

Tha Thang:
Scope is just returning from taking the kids to IOP for 4 days of VACA before school.

We tried a little early morning and late evening crab spot lighting, but never got anything… can only mean one thing… need to practice.

Partner up.

Starting on the SE corner of the football field and going around the perimeter, PAX 1 is doing the 2 leg crab walk (wide legs, holding a squat position, and shuffling with one foot on the ground at all times) and PAX 2 runs the same direction, catching the crab from behind. Once the PAX's are reunited, 25 Big boys and 25 Merks then swap with PAX 2 crab walking.

Made it all the way around the football field and had time for Mary.

40 Flutter (4 count)
25 gas pumpers
25 american hammers (4 count)
25 Penguins the hard way.

Jog back and on the flag.

Announcements: SASQUATCH on the 29th, Red Hot Chili Peppers 5 k this saturday.

Doobie's M having surgery tomorrow.