1st F 07/15/2023 EMOM burpee surprise

QiC: Door Jam
Date: 07/15/2023
Title: EMOM burpee surprise
Number of HIMs: 10
_Not Registered, Door Jam, French Press, Olive Oil, Patches, Pippette, ShamWow, Sweet -n -low, Vinyl

Number of FNGs: 2
Name of FNGs: Squealers, Dingle

Leg stretches
More leg stretches
Arm cross stretch
3 burpees for the rooster
Mosey around the property to get cindy

Tha Thang:
3 burpees or 2 blockees EMOM while working through the following:
100 merks
200 squats
100 WWII
200 calf raises
100 curls
200 lawnmowers
100 chest press
200 KB swing
100 gas pumpers

Modifications were made…

After 31 rounds, bring cindy home and circle up for Mary
Boxcutters 20 IC
Dollies 20 IC
Burpees 8 OYO (penalty for Vinyl driving by and being a jerk, and Pipette breaking a cindy)

Welcome FNGs!
Pergo and Miyagi driving back with kids from camp
Others traveling, dealing with illness
Vinyl rolled up with coffee and donuts
Sasquatch on the 29th