QiC: Trophy
Date: 07/12/2023
Title: Zig and Zag
Number of HIMs: 5
Bartman, Beads, Butterfingers, Mr. Woodcock, Trophy
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
Stretch legs down middle, left, right.
20 ss hops
Runners stretch
Downward dog and cobra
Tha Thang:
Mosey to the new turf…
Start on the side lines at goal line. We are going to zig zag down the football field yard lines with shuffles starting at 0. Shuffle down the 0, up to the 5 and back across with shuffle. Up to the 10. Then do 90 merkins. Shuffle on 10 then across the 15. Up to 20. The do 80 big boy situps. Shuffle across 20, the Shuffle the 25, Up to the 30. The do 70 air squats. Rinse and repeat. Upper body, abs, and legs. 60- Carolina dry docks, 50- side crunches, 40-lunges, 30-decline merkins, 20 x-factors, 10- Lt Dans. Til you get to the 100 yard mark. Couple stretching exercises for Woodcocks back on the mosey back. Back at AO at 6:15 on the nose…
Prayers for teachers as they start back school.