1st F 07/11/2023 Baseball Trivia and Sweat

QiC: Sakrete
Date: 07/11/2023
Title: Baseball Trivia and Sweat
Number of HIMs: 9
Clog, French Press, Orange Juice, ShamWow, Sweet -n -low, TestTube, Tin Cup, Vinyl

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

TTT hang to discuss Core Principles
15 LBAC forward/reverse IC
15 Overhead claps

Plank for baseball trivia (All Star Game tonight)

Tha Thang:
Hold Plank to ask for baseball related questions due to All Star game being tonight. Correct answers everyone does 5 plank jacks. Incorrect answers 10 plank jacks
1) Vlad Guerrero Jr won Home Run Derby last night becoming the first player to complete what feat?
Father-son both won HRD. CORRECT Sweet-N-Low
2) what year did Vlad Sr win HRD?
2007 CORRECT Sweet-N-Low
3) who won the 2022 World Series
Houston Astros- INCORRECT
4) what year was first All Star game held?
5) Most regular season wins is 116. 2 teams are tied with that. Name them
1906 Cubs/2001 Mariners (Cubs did it in 7 less games) INCORRECT
6) Braves have best regular season record currently. How many wins?
60. Incorrect

Enough playing around. Let’s work. Grab Cindy

Exercises were. Curls/Jump Squats/Merkins/Calf Raises/LBCs
Do each exercise for a minute. Go straight into next exercise. Rest for 1 minute after LBCs. 5 sets. Total of 30 minutes.

Rifle Carry Cindy home with elbows locked out.
Back at flag- 10 colosseums OYO

Namarama with Burpees

Sasquatch July 29th
Praise reports: YHC home from hospital.
Prayers: Jeremy
Test Tubes Grandfather in law entering Hospice.