1st F 07/06/2023 AMRAP dance party

QiC: Chicken Fry
Date: 07/06/2023
Title: AMRAP dance party
Number of HIMs: 8
Chicken Fry, Clog, Mr. Miyagi, Pergo, Sakrete, ShamWow, Sweet -n -low, Tin Cup

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

15- TTT, 15- Hillbillies, 20-SSH, 15 Imperial Walkers

Tha Thang:
Started by grabbing blocks and starting with Curls for girls until couldn’t continue, jog around parking lot, flutter kicks and BB sit ups to Satisfaction by Rolling Stones, jog around parking lot, Overhead press until couldn’t continue, jog around parking lot, Squats to Bring Sally Up, jog around parking lot, Triceps Extensions until couldn’t continue, jog around parking lot, Imperial Walkers and Power Jacks to Dancing in the Moonlight by Jubel, jog around parking lot, Squats with block until couldn’t continue, jog around parking lot, Merkins and Plank Jacks to Thunder by Imagine Dragons, jog around parking lot then put up blocks.

Pledge of allegiance was done, announcements were made, and prayers were made for those in need and everyone was blessed this morning.