1st F 07/05/2023 3-man weave

QiC: Papa Doc
Date: 07/05/2023
Title: 3-man weave
Number of HIMs: 10
Coffee Bean, Doobie, Duke, Fresh Prince, Hoover, LiveWire, Milkman, Papa Doc, Pulp Fiction, Shark Tank

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

5 Tennants
F3 Mission Statement: The Mission of F3 is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership”

Finkle kicks
Imperial walkers
On 6: right/left/center
High plank
Downward dog
5x Inch worm merkins

Tha Thang:
Mosey to turf 2 with Cindy
Stop at blue light complete 50 curls
Rifle carry to second light complete 20 one-arm rows hw
Rifle carry to third light complete 30 KB swings

Divide into Groups of 3 with count off

For 7 mins
3-man 100yd weave sprints
P1 sprint 100yds
P2 20 merkins & AMRAP x-factors (side 1)
P3 30 OHP & AMRAP box cutters (side 2)
Continuous sprinter swap

For 7 mins
3-man bleacher weave
AMRAP Air squats (side 1)
AMRAP bleacher step-ups (side 2)
BONUS: Runner stops to complete 5 Bobby Hurleys at top
Continuous runner swap

Mosey back to turf

Divide into 2 competing groups for sand bag shuffle
– Place sand bag in middle of 7 cones set up on a line
– Goal is to move the sand bag toward your group after each member completes the prescribed exercises/reps and completes the bean bag throw challenge
– Must send 1 runner farmer carrying 2x cindys to move the bag after the group has successfully completed the reps and bag toss.

1: Big boys (must touch toes) / 10 reps
2: Bonny Blair's / 10 reps hw
3: Blockees / 5 reps

Golf outing Jack Hill state park Oct 20-22, HC w/fresh prince
Sasquatch CSAUP Jul 29, HC w/Papa Doc
Oct go ruck event, see slack channel for details

So, you’ve got past your excuses and you’ve decided to establish the habit/discipline of working out? That is the first step to getting right and becoming the best version of yourself as a man.

Men need authentic relationships with other men who are working to be strong fathers, husbands and leaders. Isolation will destroy a man! We have the opportunity to change our community and the trajectory of our families. Getting in the best shape of your life is just a by-product. The workout is what draws most men like a magnet but the encouragement to lead through relationships, brotherhood, and community keeps men coming back.

F3 is a leadership development group disguised as a workout group.
Don't stop with just showing up for the workouts. Overcome the excuses to lead your Ms, your 2.0s, and your community well.

Prayer Requests:
Peyton SFN track CDR in hospital