1st F 07/01/2023 Pre-coffeeteria warmup

QiC: Clog
Date: 07/01/2023
Title: Pre-coffeeteria warmup
Number of HIMs: 8
Clog, French Press, noodles, Pippette, Sakrete, ShamWow, TestTube, Vinyl

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Plank/Stretch disclaimer, TTT, DQ, Hillbillies, imperial walkers, sprinklers, Backstreet Stretches, Motivators, 21's w/10 penalty burpees (yes, Pipette, we're serious about our 21's…lol)

Tha Thang:
1. Mosey island to island performing various merkins for a total of 100…incline, decline, Ranger, Chuck Norris, wide, diamond, hand release, regular, hand clap

2. Mosey to retrieve Cindi. Circle up in the grass. 3 rounds, 15, 20 THEN 30 reps. Each PAX calls an exercise with Cindi…lawn mowers, squirrels, curls, bench press, squat, toe taps, OHP, one missing. Rinse and repeat.

3. Move Cindi…farmer cary while a partner planks and switch, rifle carry, murder bunny and murder bunny with a Merkin.

4. Railroad tracks…line up finger tip to finger tip, go to a plank and then Indian Run style move the line down the parking lot. Continued until each PAX had run 3x.

5. 6 minutes of Mary…box cutter, WWI, WWII, Febreeze, flutter kicks, gas pumpers, Ray Charles, Vinyl had some sucky one.

Track commander with seizures, Sakrete's Mom, Jeremy…friend,

Pledge and prayer