1st F 06/30/2023 Death by Skinny Chummer

QiC: Chum
Date: 06/30/2023
Title: Death by Skinny Chummer
Number of HIMs: 11
Chum, Duke, Dump truck, Fresh Prince, Greenspan, LiveWire, Old Yeller, Papa Doc, Smoke, Washout, Wild Thing

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

SSH, place kickers, brick grinders, down dog , hip stretching.

Tha Thang:
Mosey to PG 20 knee ups and bleachers lap. Mosey to AO for :
50 gas pumpers 50SSH take a lap
25 hello dolly, burpee’s, star jump and Lap
25 HR Merks, 25 V ups, imperial walker. Lap
25 leg raises, jungle boot, hill Billy squats Lap
25 four ct flutter, Bonnie B, goofballs. Lap
50 Big Boys

Chum is starting taper for National Senior Games in Pittsburgh July 14/15. I’m running 800M and 1500m) . I’m going to Bring It!!! Thanks to all the HIM’s that lead or pushed me in workouts. Will have to back off on F3 for 2 weeks. Please Sign up Yes /No for Fresh Prince golf outing. Praying for Livewire friend’s Mother surgery this morning. Praying for healing for our Track Commander Payton (brain bleed, seizures, shunt, pneumonia, intubation), Ivy’s continued rehab and recovery. Doobie’s M Julie. Many others dealing with health issues. Safe travels for all on the move. 10 Burpee’s for the lights and sirens at the end of the Q. Praying for that situation as well.