1st F 06/28/2023 Underground Inspiration

QiC: Falcon9
Date: 06/28/2023
Title: Underground Inspiration
Number of HIMs: 7
_Not Registered, Clog, Falcon9, Huckleberry, Quikrete

Number of FNGs: 1
Name of FNGs: Short Circuit

Plank it out with disclaimer, Pigeon stretch, hammy stretch, Tunnels, Hill Billies, Imperial Walkers, Raise the Roof, Night Clubs and Motivator’s

Tha Thang:
Underground inspired workout, Tabata style 7 exercises, 1 min work, 20 Sec rest. After 6th exercise Pax took off for half lap mosey…we encountered a blue bucket along the way.
2 full rounds completed

1. Cindy Swings
2. Step Ups
3. WWII’s feet in Cindy
4. Bar Curl
5. Overhead Press with Big Cindy
6. Dips
7. Lawn mowers

Mosey & Honker

Praying for Noodles and family and all unspoken prayers