1st F 06/28/2023 I got your back

QiC: Patches
Date: 06/28/2023
Title: I got your back
Number of HIMs: 7
Bullwinkle, Door Jam, Flo, Joanna, Mr. Miyagi, Patches, Spokes

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Plank with Disclaimer
Downward Dog
5 Merks
LBAC Forward/Reverse
Right Arm/Left Arm Stretches
Right over Left Left over Right Stretch
Mosey to 3rd light pole and back to wake up Ole Girl…

Tha Thang:
QIC reached out yesterday and is currently on the IL with a bad back, Get Better BC, so I picked up the Q. We met on one side of the bus ramp and 1 cone was placed not quite half way in the bus loop. We worked through only 2 sets of exercises…
Set 1-
Curl, OHP, Tricep Extension
Each Pax completed 1 Curl, 1 OHP, 1 Tri extension, then 2,2,2, then 3,3,3 all the way to 10. Once 10 was reached, you murder bunny to the cone, complete 5 burpees, rifle carry rest of way to other side of loop, 5 burpees, then rifle carry all the way back to the starting point to complete set 2.
Set 2-
Thruster, Chest Press, LBC
Same as above but when you return to starting point Repeat Step 1 but start with 10 and work back down.
Great to have Flo and Joanna at the Colosseum this morning.
