1st F 06/26/2023 Workout deck

QiC: Clog
Date: 06/26/2023
Title: Workout deck
Number of HIMs: 3
_Not Registered, Clog, Falcon9

Number of FNGs: 1
Name of FNGs: Mr. Rogers

Plank/disclaimer, ssh, motivators hillbillies, imperial walkers,

Tha Thang:
F3 Deck Workout:
The deck was dropped at the other end of the parking lot. Each PAX picked up a Cindy from Falcon9's trunk.

Each PAX held a plank while one PAX ran down to the deck, retrieved a card, ran back and called out the exercise, cadence and reps. That was followed by a Cindy exercise. Rinse and repeat. We did 15 cards.

We retrieved the rest of the Cindy's from Falcon9's trunk leftover from the parade and farmer carried then to bed. We hustled the original 3 to bed too.

Remembering Pam's family with her funeral being yesterday.

We miss all of our guys that have been with us in the past. We want you back. You're an encouragement!

We named Mr. Rogers who received an invite during the parade. Don't let the name fool you…this guy's a stud and will be a blessing to our AO.

Pledge and prayer

Falcon9 has the Q Wednesday.