QiC: Primary
Date: 06/24/2023
Title: Primary Send Off Q with the 2.0’s
Number of HIMs: 12
_Not Registered, Butterfingers, Coffee Bean, Dump truck, Papa Doc, Primary, Trophy
Number of FNGs: 2
Name of FNGs: Finch, Tater
Imperial Walkers
Grass Pickers
Lunge stretch
Cobra/downward dog
Tha Thang:
Run to tennis courts
Split into two teams, opposite ends
Both teams send one runner towards the other
Meet in middle, play rock paper scissors
Loser has to do a burpee, head back to end of his/her line, and that team sends next runner, while the winner gets to keep running forward. First team to reach other team wins
Played 3 rounds
Punishment was line tracers (side shuffle) for “loser team (winning team got the prize of doing them too)
Next game was relay races
3 rounds of 1 court suicide (aka Agassi):
Forward sprint
Side shuffle
Bear crawl (half court)
Ended with Bucket Ball game
Upcoming Speed For Need event 14 July
Grow Ruck upcoming in October
Prayers for:
Primary family moving
BCG family getting swelled
Papa Doc family recovering from GI illness