1st F 06/21/2023 Make June Suck AMRAP

QiC: Coffee Bean
Date: 06/21/2023
Title: Make June Suck AMRAP
Number of HIMs: 3
Bullwinkle, Door Jam

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

pledge, tenets & disclaimer
warmarama- SSH, don Quixote, Concrete pickers, Phelps, arm circles

Tha Thang:
Grab Cindy and set up at 1st tree. AMRAP 7 minutes, get as many rounds as possible of named exercise, run to next tree, burpee, run back to Cindy and repeat. Burpee count increases every time you get to 2nd tree.

1st 7 minute set: 10x Thrusters, 10x OHP, 10x squats
2nd set: 10x Blockees, 10x alternating block merkins, 10x drunken mountain climbers
3rd set: 10x KB swings, Bonnie Blairs, Carolina Dry Docks
4th set: 10x sumo squats, block pullovers, heavy Freddie's

Mary- bbsu, Freddie Mercury, dying cockroach, Heels to heaven

Ruck, Beatdown, Breakfast and Parade this Saturday in Effingham- POC Clog
Sasquatch July 29th at Forsyth
Speed for Need races – July 4th, September 23, October 14th, December 2nd
Prayers for our families, travel safety and strength as fathers/leaders.