1st F 06/20/2023 Rain, Rain, go away

QiC: Papa Doc
Date: 06/20/2023
Title: Rain, Rain, go away
Number of HIMs: 1
Papa Doc

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Well, I got out of my car and started jogging.

Tha Thang:
Checking the winkie prior to departure I noticed that @trophy & @scope had bailed but held out hope that the other HIMs would show. Driving to the AO I was encouraged to see the Females in Action (FIA) gathered and pushing under the admin bldg overhang. Then pulling into the AO I saw @chum out for his fault jog. Thinking someone was definitely going to show because it was barely a drizzle, I waited. 0530 came and went with no one in sight, so I got out of the car and did what we do on the Westside…jogged to the HS and back. I'll have to repurpose my Q for the OG either tomorrow or Friday.

Cherish the summer months with family activities and never take for granted all that God has blessed you with.