QiC: Brick
Date: 06/16/2023
Title: BBB – 2 Cindys, 1 PAX
Number of HIMs: 10
BCG, Brick, Coffee Bean, Duke, Dump truck, Milkman, Shark Tank, Trombone, Washout
Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:
5 tenets
SSH x 10 IC
Slap jacks x 10 IC
Finkle Kicks OYO
Arm circles S, M, L
Michael Phelps
Squats x 10 IC
Brick grind R/L
Merkins x 10 IC
Quick mosey to get our t-shirts wet and grab Cindy then headed back to admin building cover to get out of the lightening
Tha Thang:
Partner up. 4 rounds of tabata style (20/10) with one PAX doing exercise with 2 Cindys while other performs body weight. 4 minute rounds, switch after every minute. 30 second burpee buy-in to start each round.
Round 1 – gorilla rows + squat jumps
Round 2 – stationary farmer March + burpees
Round 3 – 2 Cindy sumo + mountain climbers
Round 4 – 2 Cindy merkin + kick throughs
Arm cycle at the end – 4 minutes, 25/5
– hammer curl
– diamond merkins
– thumb top curl
– dry docks
Core work ladder
– Straight leg crunch
– Gas pumper
– Bicycles
– straight leg raises
– dying cockroaches
– 6 inches + single leg bicycle
– work back down the ladder
Praise for Washout’s mother – continued prayers for strength and recovery
Praise for BCG and his leadership. Prayers that all will go well for him and his family with upcoming move
Prayers for Madi and her family during their difficult time. Prayers for peace and comfort for her and her family.
Praise for this group of men and the opportunity we have to use our physical gifts. Pray that we would continue to strive to be better in all aspects of life.