1st F 06/10/2023 Primary/BCG CO-Q

QiC: Primary
Date: 06/10/2023
Title: Primary/BCG CO-Q
Number of HIMs: 5
BCG, Butterfingers, Primary

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

10 each of: SSH, Imperial Walker, Concrete Pickers, Moroccan Jacks

Tha Thang:
Lake bench run, exercise at each bench: 50 squats, 50 push ups, 50 LBCs

Tennis court “Agassi’s” (in honor of BCG, rebranded today as Nadals):
Full Nadal
Inch Worm Nadal
Burpee Nadal
Merkin Nadal
Star jump Nadal

Finished with 3-on-2 bucket ball, super tight last bucket wins game of BCG and Butterfingers boys VS Primary and Butterfingers

Prayers for BCGs move next week and Primary’s in 2 weeks.
Prayers for Doobie’s M.
Prayers for the Fathers Day 5K